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__________________________________________________ The temple of God was opened in heaven: and the ark of His testament was seen in His temple, and there were lightning, and voices, and an earthquake, and great hail, Revelation 11:19.Jesus = (Yeshua) said to her: I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, although he be dead, shall live: And every one that liveth, and believeth in me, shall not die for ever. Believest thou this, John 11:25 to 26. The word "never die" means you will not go to hell, which is the second death, = "spiritually dead". To believe in Jesus you have to believe in his word, and his word is to obey God's Law, not Paul's, Matthew 5: 17 to 19.
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God's Testament is in heaven to judge people accordingly.
According to your religion: If you are worshipping god that commands you to kill sinners & those that don't follow him, it means you are worshipping bloody & violent god
= Satan = Devil = Lucifer = Shaitan = Iblis. Why I am saying this?Well, God the Creator doesn't need you to judge his people, he created them and he does not need you because you are one of his creations. You are weak, foolish, make mistakes and a SINNER. How a sinner can judge another sinner or a person. Since when the Creator needs his creature to help him to judge people or to get help for other things? Never. The god that commands you to kill or to fight people in your books is the devil = satan, not God the Creator that Jesus spoke of.
I base my saying according to Jesus' word. Jesus came for sinner to save them trough repentance, not to command people to kill each others. Jesus said: How could a blind lead another blind, both will fall in the ditch? Moreover, how a sinner could judge another sinner, both have sinned? When the Pharisees were stoning an adulterer woman, Jesus told them, anyone of you without sin, let him trough the first stone. Then, they stopped stoning the woman and left.
Are there gods that have mighty power to judge and to create? No, there is one perfect and loving God only; He has power to create, judge through righteousness, He forgives through repentance; and He is the Creator of all. There are four different categories of people. The first category believes, worships, and obey God's the Creator. The second category invented its own gods ignorantly to worship. The third category doesn’t believe in God's existence. The fourth category is about the ungodly that know God and deliberately reject Him for been righteous and peaceful. These ungodly people invited an imaginary god to deceive the people with and to achieve their politic and evil personal objectives.
God's Law is in the Ark of the Covenant in His temple in heaven to judge people accordingly, not for decoration. Don't depend on eternal security to obtain “salvation” as some churches teach. You can't obtain salvation without obeying God's Law. Salvation is a status that shall be obtained after passing God's judgment. You can't be saved while you still under temptation on this planet earth. For more information about salvation, refer to page "Are we saved".